
Relationship between criminal violence-childhood abuse


Question 1. This is the name of the female goddess to which young girls are dedicated and then forced into prostitution in India

  1. Vishn
  2. Krishna
  3. Lakshmi
  4. Yellamma

Question 2. According to Held, the following have been aligned with femininity in the history of Western thought

  1. emotion
  2. weakness
  3. passion
  4. all of the above

Question 3. According to psychiatric studies, which of the following has been discovered about the relationship between criminal violence and childhood abuse?

  1. Criminal violence follows childhood abuse equally in males and females
  2. Women are more likely to commit criminal violence if the childhood abuse was at a younger age
  3. When criminal violence follows childhood abuse it is almost always in males
  4. No correlation has been found at all between criminal violence and childhood abuse

Question 4. This is the name for prostitutes in India who have been dedicated to a female goddess

  1. Hindus
  2. Hiermala
  3. Devadasi
  4. Sangli

Question 5. What, according to Noddings, do male philosophers tend to say about death (as opposed to women)?

  1. Men are more brave in the face of death than women because of their natural courageousness
  2. Death tends to be harder on men due to their attachments to the glory of this world
  3. Women are more able to allow their faith in the afterlife overcome their aversion to death
  4. Male philosophers often talk as though the world or reason and abstraction is superior to the physical world of the body

Question 6. In Held's article, a thinker named Annette Baier claims that the history of Western ethical thought does not take into account feminine aspects because

  1. The great moral theorists were men who had little intimate interaction with women.
  2. The great moral theorists were often loving husbands.
  3. The great moral theorists hated women.
  4. The great moral theorists

Question 7. What does Nel Noddings say about rates of violent crime among men and women?

  1. Men are naturally much more violence prone than women
  2. Women commit nearly as much crime as men do; gender differences here are illusory
  3. Men can be socialized not to commit crime, as seen in many eastern societies
  4. There has been no clearly demonstrated relation between gender and crime rates

Question 8. Held uses this example to talk about the political distinctions that separate men and women in the realms of the public and the private

a business man going out for cocktails

a mother nursing her child

a city planner developing a building

a mother homeschooling her children

Question 9. Which of the following are question in the Bechdel test

  1. Is there more than one female character?
  2. Do they speak to each other?
  3. When they speak to each other, do they talk about something other than a man?
  4. all of the above

Question 10. Which answer best describes Noddings's statements about how mothers frequently to feel about losing their children in war?

  1. Mothers rest assured that the deaths of their children was fully justified by the good they did in the war
  2. Mothers often allow their desire to demonstrate patriotism to override their natural opposition to war and the death of their children
  3. Mothers universally oppose war and the death of children that it inevitably brings
  4. Mothers are generally more enthusiastic for war than anyone else because they know it will make the world safer for future generations

Question 11. In the video "Sexism in the News Media 2012" some newscasters blame military women for this

  1. being killed in combat
  2. being raped
  3. not being able to have children
  4. being war heroes

Question 12. Gilligan claims that females tend to see relationships as these

  1. hierarchies
  2. webs
  3. rules
  4. duties

Question 13. This is one way that men can contribute to the destruction of sexual objectification of women

  1. they can be kind to women
  2. they can tell women that they are attractive
  3. they can stop seeking attention
  4. they can stop evaluating women based on their looks

Question 14. What does Noddings have to say about essentialism about gender?

  1. It is the clearly false view that men and women have essences
  2. It is problematic because it has been associated with creation and because it has always favored males over females
  3. It wrongly assumes that God could not have made us in ways that were contrary to our ‘essential nature'
  4. Culture is irrelevant; all of our behaviors are innate

Question 15. How have historians tended to treat typically male tendencies versus typically female tendencies?

  1. Historians value female tendencies more highly because it is childbearing and childrearing that enable the group to survive
  2. Female traditions have been emphasized because they reflect keep aesthetic refinement and sophistication
  3. Male tendencies, like mathematics, warfare, and even singing have been prized more highly
  4. No correlation has been found at all between criminal violence and childhood abuse

Question 16. According to Held, feminist theories of self

  1. pit humans against one another in competition
  2. relate the individual to universal humankind
  3. examine what it means to be a woman in a horrific male-dominated world
  4. see the self as related to specific humans in relationship

Question 17. According to Colin Stokes, in this film all the heroic, wise, and villainous characters are female

  1. The Little Mermaid
  2. Star Wars
  3. The Wizard of Oz
  4. Les Miserables

Question 18. In Gilligan's example, the child named Amy focuses on this aspect of the Heinz dilemma

  1. the logical nature of the problem
  2. a utilitarian calculus that weighs the options
  3. Kohlberg's theory of moral development
  4. the relationships involved in the dilemma

Question 19. According to Caroline Heldman, which of the following is a question that applies to her sexual object test?

  1. Does the image show people having sex?
  2. Does the image show a person as something that can be bought or sold?
  3. Does the image display a full image of a woman?
  4. Does the image display violence against people in the image?

Question 20. This is the name of being aware of one's appearance in relation to position, light, who is watching, etc.

  1. habitual body monitoring
  2. self-awareness
  3. anorexia
  4. depression

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Business Management: Relationship between criminal violence-childhood abuse
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