
Relationship between a leader and another

1. Which level of conceptualization focuses on the relationship between a leader and another individual?

a. intra-individual processes
b. dyadic processes
c. group processes
d. organizational processes

2. Which of the following variables would be considered a characteristic of the follower?

a. behavior
b. influence tactics
c. size of the unit
d. task commitment and effort

3. Which of the following did Kotter (1990) use in referring to a manager's duties as compared to a leader's duties?

a. developing a vision of the future
b. communicating and explaining a vision of the future
c. monitoring results and solving problems
d. motivating and inspiring people

4. Which of the following research approaches emphasize attributes of the leader such as personality, motives, values, and skills?

a. trait approach
b. behavior approach
c. situational approach
d. integrative approach

5. Someone who feels that leadership is a process occurring naturally within a social system would view leadership as

a. a specialized role
b. an influence process
c. a managerial function
d. an administrative function

6. Before the 1980s, it was uncommon for leadership theories to recognize which of the following as a basis for influence?

a. rational processes
b. cognitive processes
c. emotional processes
d. behavioral processes

Chapter 2

7. Which of the following would NOT be considered accurate regarding the nature of managerial work?

a. content of the work is varied and fragmented
b. many activities are reactive
c. most interactions involve written communications
d. decision processes are disorderly and political

8. Which of the following is considered one of Mintzberg's decision-making roles?

a. entrepreneur
b. disseminator
c. leader
d. monitor

9. What criticism of Mintzberg's managerial roles is addressed in Stewart's model of demands, constraints, and choices?

a. Stewart expanded the taxonomy of managerial roles
b. Mintzberg used surveys only to determine what a manager does.
c. Stewart incorporated job specific role requirements
d. Stewart disregarded situational determinants of leader behavior

10. New strategies for an organization must be identified in which of the following stages in the organizational life cycle?

a. birth stage
b. growth stage
c. maturity stage
d. decline stage

11. Which one of the following is NOT one of the four primary processes in managing as described in the text?

a. decision making
b. exchanging information
c. influencing
d. supervising

12. In the Acme Manufacturing Case, which of the following guidelines for managing time did Steve NOT violate?

a. conquering procrastination
b. looking for connections among problems
c. avoiding unnecessary activities.
d. planning daily and weekly activities

Chapter 3

13. According to the Ohio State leadership study, a leader's friendly and supportive actions would be classified as:

a. initiating structure
b. consideration
c. task-oriented
d. relationship-oriented

14. A manager using more group supervision as compared to supervising each subordinate separately, would be exhibiting which of the following leadership behaviors?

a. participative leadership
b. task-oriented leadership
c. relations-oriented leadership
d. initiating leadership

15. According to the Blake and Mouton (1964) managerial grid, what level of task-oriented and relations-oriented behavior should an effective manager exhibit?

a. high in task-oriented and low in relations-oriented behaviors
b. low in task-oriented and high in relations-oriented behaviors
c. high in task-oriented and high in relations-oriented behaviors
d. the appropriate level of behavior is dependent on the situation

16. According to the integrative model of leader behavior (TRC model), which of the following would be considered a task-oriented behavior?

a. resolve immediate problems that would disrupt the work
b. recognize contributions and accomplishments
c. interpret events to explain the urgent need for change
d. empower people to implement new strategies

17. Which of the following would NOT be considered a potential benefit from developing?

a. subordinates have greater skill learning
b. leaders are given an opportunity to increase their participation in the organization
c. leaders have an increased sense of satisfaction
d. the organization has higher employee commitment

18. Which of the following is NOT a guideline for action planning?

a. identify the optimal sequence of action steps
b. estimate the cost of each action step
c. determine the likely supporters of the proposal
d. develop procedures for monitoring progress

Chapter 4

19. According to the four-stage model of reaction to change, which of the following is considered the third stage?

a. adaptation
b. mourning
c. anger
d. denial

20. According to Beer and his colleagues, which of the following types of change programs would be most effective?

a. attitude-change programs
b. role-change programs
c. a combination of attitude and role-change programs
d. neither the attitude-centered nor role-change programs

21. At which stage of growth is it usually most difficult to change an organization's culture?

a. new organization
b. developing
c. mature
d. declining

22. Which of the following would most likely contain a list of key values or ideological themes considered important for an organization?

a. mission statement
b. value statement
c. slogan
d. strategic objectives

23. Because competition is more intense, customer expectations are rising, there is less time available to develop and market new products and services and products are become obsolete sooner; it is increasing more important to:

a. increase organizational learning and innovation
b. hire the best employees from other organizations
c. improve the compensation system
d. develop products with lasting appeal

24. In the Falcon Computer Company case, which of the following should the company NOT have undertaken to embed exceptional product quality as a key value in the culture?

a. develop better internal systems and procedures for measuring quality and identifying quality problems
b. involve people at all levels in a program for the continuous improvement of quality
c. devote more resources to the monitoring of customer reactions to the firm's product
d. make quantity a primary criterion for rewarding and promoting employees

Chapter 5

26. Which of the following decision procedures would be characterized by a manager who asks other people for their opinion and ideas, then makes the decision alone?

a. autocratic
b. consultation
c. joint decision
d. delegation

27. Under which of the following decision procedures would other people have the greatest influence?

a. autocratic
b. consultation
c. joint decision
d. delegation

28. Which of the following is most accurate regarding the research conducted on participative leadership by Bragg and Andrews (1973)?

a. participative leadership did not influence attendance
b. participative leadership did not influence productivity
c. participative leadership was not effective with the nursing staff
d. after three years, the hospital returned to an autocratic leadership style

29. Which of the following would be most accurate regarding the Vroom-Yetton (1988) extension of the Vroom-Jago (1973) normative decision model?

a. fewer situational variables were included in the model
b. the model became so complex that it was no longer practical
c. the new model added severe time constraints as an outcome variable
d. the decision procedures were simplified to incorporate only a yes-no answer to situational variables

30. In the Alvis Corporation case, Kathy should have used which of the following decision procedures when dealing with the decision involving production standards?

a. Tyrannical
b. Consultative
c. Group
d. Autocratic

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Business Management: Relationship between a leader and another
Reference No:- TGS0941943

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