Relation to specific terrorist or organized crime problem

• Discuss a case study of prevention and disruption in relation to a specific terrorist or organized crime problem.

• The essay must begin by stating the problem clearly

• The essay must make use of and refer to the literature (and if applicable, other similar problems or cases)

• The essay should engage critically with theory and practice in relation to responses to the problem addressed

• You will need to find your own materials relating to the problem you are addressing as well as those listed in the

Course description:

• Jihadist suicide terrorism

• Chinese human smuggling

• A situational approach to making prostitution more resistant to human trafficking

• The Channel Programme and prevention of violent extremism

• Examining the UK Action Plan on tackling human trafficking

• Measuring the disruption of organized criminal networks

• The prevention and disruption of terrorist attacks on public aircraft

• Preventing and disrupting aircraft hijackings and sabotage: Could we be doing better?

• Protecting “crowded places” from terrorist attack

• To what extent can current measures against the human trafficking industry be considered effective?

• Using situational crime prevention to counter identity based terrorism

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Other Subject: Relation to specific terrorist or organized crime problem
Reference No:- TGS01429199

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