Answer the following questions in detail.
Question 1) What is the objective of a wind tunnel?
Question 2) Write down the name the different parts of a wind tunnel.
Question 3) What is the function of wind tunnel balance?
Question 4) Explain the effect of flow separation on a vehicle.
Question 5) What do you mean by pressure coefficient?
Question 6) What do you understand by laminar and turbulent boundary layer?
Question 7) Describe the term ‘pressure drag’ of a vehicle.
Question 8) Under what circumstance of yawing moment, a vehicle becomes aerodynamically unstable.
Question 9) What do you mean by a thermal boundary layer?
Question 10) Write down the relation between top speed, aerodynamic drag and engine power output of a vehicle.
Question 11) Describe the performance of a vehicle in terms of motive force diagram, acceleration time and elasticity and specific fuel consumption.