
Relation between cetane and chemical constituent of fuel

Question 1)a) Explain extraction of iron from haematite (Fe2O3) ore in blast furnace with chemical reactions at different zones with neat diagram of blast furnace.

Question 2) What is significance of “Go value of metal oxides? Describe usefulness of Ellingham’s diagrams in metallurgical operations

b) Define Pilling–Bedworth rule and mention its importance.

Question 3)a) What do you mean by chromising?

b) What is cetane number? Describe the relation between cetane and chemical constituent of fuel.

Question 4) A 5g fuel sample is completely burnt in a bomb calorimeter containing 2000 g water and 110 g water equivalent of calorimeter causes 1.5o rise in temperature. Compute higher calorific value of fuel.

c) What is the main constituent of biogas? Give applications of biogas.

d) What are super conductors? Give examples.

Question 5)a) What is hydrodynamic lubrication? Describe

b) Describe boundary lubrication mechanism.

c) What are refractories? Give suitable examples each type

d) What are adhesives? Give the use of araldite.

e) What do you mean by PVC? How it is manufactured? Give the significant application of PVC.

Question 6) What do you understand by polymerisation? Give suitable example to condensation polymer.

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Chemistry: Relation between cetane and chemical constituent of fuel
Reference No:- TGS08129

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