
related party transactionsrelated party

Related Party Transactions

Related party transactions-a transfer of obligations or resources among related parties, regardless of whereas a price is charged.

A party is related to an entity whether it like as:

  1. Indirectly or Directly controls, or is under common control along with, is controlled through the entity;
  2. Has significant influence above the entity;
  3. has joint control above the entity;
  4. Is a close member of any individual of the family who that controls, or has joint control over or significant Influence, the entity;
  5. Is an associate of the entity;
  6. Is a joint venture whether the entity is a venture;
  7. Is a member of the entity of the key management personnel or its parent;
  8. Is a close member of any of the family of the aforementioned key management Personnel;
  9. Is an entity which is controlled, significantly influenced through, jointly controlled with or for such significant voting power in that entity resides along with, few of the key Management personnel or their close family members;
  10. Is a post-employment profit plan about the benefit of employees of the entity, or else of such any of its related parties.

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Auditing: related party transactionsrelated party
Reference No:- TGS0181897

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