
Rejecting suggestions and proposals


Message Strategies: Rejecting Suggestions and Proposals

Lee Valley Tools ( www.leevalley.com ) sells highquality woodworking tools across Canada through its retail stores and around the world through its website and catalogs. While weekend hobbyists can pick up a mass-produced hand plane (a tool for smoothing wood) for $20 or $30 at the local hardware store, serious woodworkers pay five or ten times that much for one of Lee Valley’s precision Veritas planes. For the price, they get top-quality materials, precision manufacturing, and innovative designs that help them do better work in less time. Lee Valley sells both its own Veritas brand tools as well as 5,000 tools made by other manufacturers. One of those companies has just emailed you to ask if Lee Valley would like to carry a new line of midrange hand planes that would cost more than the mass-market, hardware-store models but less than Lee Valley’s own Veritas models. Your job is to filter requests such as this, rejecting those that don’t meet Lee Valley’s criteria and forwarding those that do to the product selection committee for further analysis. After one quick read of this incoming email message, you realize there is no need to send this idea to the committee. While these planes are certainly of decent quality, they achieve their lower cost through lower-quality steel that won’t hold an edge as long and through thinner irons (the element that holds the cutting edge) that will be more prone to vibrate during use and thus produce a rougher finish. These planes have a market, to be sure, but they’re not a good fit for Lee Valley’s top-of-the-line product portfolio. Moreover, the planes don’t offer any innovations in terms of ease of use or any other product attribute.

Reply to this email message, explaining that the planes appear to be decent tools, but they don’t fit Lee Valley’s strategy of offering only the best and most innovative tools. Support your decision with the three criteria described above. Choose the direct or indirect approach carefully, taking into consideration your company’s relationship with this other company.

Your answer must be, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides, APA format and also include references.

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Business Law and Ethics: Rejecting suggestions and proposals
Reference No:- TGS01975684

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