Major Project Project – Reinforced Soil Wall Design
Your project group is required to design a section of reinforced soil wall (RSW) supporting a section of highway in the Newcastle area. The following information are provided:
Retaining wall plan, elevations and cross-sections
Borehole log BHA051
No groundwater information – adopt groundwater level at ground surface in front of wall
Loading situation:
o Normal live load traffic, 20 kPa
o Impact loading applied to crash barrier sitting on retaining wall in document "PLANS".
Retaining Wall Section to Design
RW-19 at Chainage 360
Design Criteria
Maximum vertical settlement 300 mm
RSW designed to QA Specification R57
Output Required
Write a report explaining clearly the design methodology, assumptions and recommended design. The report should include:
Geotechnical model – subsurface and geotechnical parameters
Analysis – bearing capacity, sliding, overturning, global stability, settlement
Required retaining wall dimensions and details, i.e. RSW block width
Ground treatment (if necessary)