
Regulatory mechanism for monitoring

Length: 2000 words: The essay itself is a major piece of academic written workthat must to be supported by at least six refereed journal articles. Other books and sourcesthat enable you to develop and support your lines of argument in the essay are expected to be used additionally. Each student is required to attach the front page of sixjournal articles as an attachment to their essa Consistent with the learning objectives forthis course, students will need to frame their essays from a multilevel perspective. This means looking at the topic from the perspective ofthe organisation, the work group and the individual. The student will need to be careful in the selection of the literature they use fortheir essay to ensure they understand the organisational behaviour issues from each ofthese three perspectives. The importance ofthe multilevel perspective in organisational behaviourwill be discussed at several points during the semester as most ofthe thingsthatwe study in organisational behaviour are best interpreted from a mixed-level perspective. Essay topic: Choose one of the two following topics: 1. “A goal is a regulatory mechanism for monitoring, evaluating and adjusting one’s behaviour…Goal attainment also gives people a sense of accomplishment” (Latham,2007, p 267-268) In: Work Motivation History, Theory, Research and Practice, London, Sage Publications. Discussthe importance of goals in motivation and leadership drawing upon relevant research literature to support your position. 2. “Dark side behaviours result in negative outcomes. These outcomes, in turn, are perhaps best conceptualized as costs. The costs resulting from dark side behaviours maytake a variety of forms.” (Griffin R.W., O’Leary-Kelly AM, 2004, p 4). In: The Dark Side of Organisational Behavior, San Francisco Jossey-Bass. Discussthe relative importance ofthe dark side of organisational behaviour developing an argument about one or more critical aspects of employee behaviourthat may be perceived to be deviant or unacceptable and its implicationsfor organisational effectiveness drawing upon relevant research literature to support your position.

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