
Regulations for child welfare

I need a peer review for the paper attached - A Problem Exists- Regulations for child welfare are an important piece in changing the future of today's society.

A Problem Exists:

Regulations for child welfare are an important piece in changing the future of today's society. It is ultimately the responsibility of parents to take care of their children. Unfortunately, due to social and economic circumstances, the government has to step in and provide the care and support a child needs. It may seem unfair to the parents that are doing the right thing by giving their children all they need, socially and financially. It is also unfair to see a need and no one take action to correct it. Children are the future. They will grow up to be responsible, taxpaying citizens. They are the future leaders of our society. Even in their youth, they have an important role as to maintaining a community where one can work live and play peacefully. Today's and tomorrow's society will be better with more responsible parents and changes in the welfare system.

Child welfare is primarily a federal responsibility once a need is presented. The task of adhering to this responsibility lies in the arms of the State. Each state has their own programs that divide the job of protecting children at all levels of government. There are programs at the state agencies, county agencies and local agencies all with the same goal in mind, to protect and enhance the lives of all children. Parents are the people that are responsible for the children they bring into the world. In a perfect world, people would not have children until they are socially, emotionally and financially able to do so. They would prepare themselves for child bearing by making sure they were physically able to. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, making the right choices when eating, exercising and caring for the entire body inside and out is a great start when it comes to beginning a family and bearing children. It is very important to know if there is a history of family illnesses as well as protecting oneself from many communicable illnesses and diseases. Socially, being well minded and maintaining a positive spirit or wholeness with oneself is just as important as being physically fit.

Once again, this is a picture of how things are done in a perfect world when it comes to bringing children into the world in which we live in. On the other side of that perfect picture is the reality that these actions do not occur. The reality is that people have children and bring them into situations and lifestyles that are inappropriate. That is when, more than likely, the welfare system has to step in and make bad situations good or at least attempt to make them better than they were before.

As stated before, the parents hold the responsibility of taking care of the needs of the children they bring into the world. Since we know that this is not always the case, why not have the welfare system take charge and take over the responsibility of the well being of children. In order for this to happen there has to be accountability on the part of the welfare system. Taking on the role of the Hero is not the way to go. Be accountable is more important than being the hero. The hero takes charge at one instant, but the person or group of people that are accountable are there in the beginning, the middle, and even still intervening at the end.

There are programs in the welfare systems that help parents at the very beginning of the start of a child's life, even before birth. Many parents take advantage of these programs such as Medicaid and WIC (Women Infants and Children). These are two major programs of the welfare system that start to help and prepare parents for bringing healthy children into society. I think the downside to the programs is that people tend to stereotype people that use these types of programs. People should not be made to feel any less than any other human being because they take the steps to get help when it is needed. Parents should be aware that there are resources to help them. The programs should be appreciated and only used to ensure the well being of a child or children. As many people, taxpayers included, are also aware is that sometimes these programs are misused. This is an area of where there should be reform to make sure the system has the appropriate personnel to make sure the programs and resources are used properly.

One of the programs to help parents is Medicaid, which is insurance for pregnant mothers. Medicaid helps the mothers receive the proper care and treatment from a medical standpoint during the time of pregnancy. Another program to help parents is WIC. WIC helps the mothers learn to eat the proper portions and get all the nutrients they need in order to deliver a happy healthy baby. There are classes that allow the parents to be to learn how to eat the correct servings of fruits and vegetables. There are also classes that will help the mothers learn what they need to eat in order to breast feed when they have their children. Studies have shown that breast fed babies are healthier than those that are bottle fed and they are less likely to develop illnesses such as allergies and respiratory diseases. These are all positive outcomes to ensuring the healthy lifestyle of a child. This in turn can lead them into the success of the well being of a child's social and emotional well being. This is just one step to ensure a positive outcome and the benefit of the welfare system. There are many other sources that are available to parents that they can voluntarily make the choice to take a part in.

There are also the same and even more resources that are available to help ensure the safety and nurturing of children. Most of the time, these services are provided involuntarily by the parents. The parents no longer have the benefit of choosing to take care of their children in the right way. The welfare system takes the child and takes over the responsibility of providing a safe and nurturing environment for the child or children. If parents do not take advantage of the programs mentioned above and the others that are available to them, there can be consequences that will affect the lives of the children. When there are other life circumstances that cause children to be victim to negative living, there can be consequences. The consequences can be having the child removed from the home and the natural parents. The child welfare system has to step in and place them in foster care or group homes.

The primary interest of children in the welfare systems is to improve and enhance their educational, physical and social needs. Children become part of the welfare system for many reasons. They could have been victims of abuse, whether it was physical or emotional. They could have been in situations where drug abuse was prevalent. These types of behavior have a negative effect on the children. These mannerisms can have a devastating impact on a child's life. Once they are in the welfare system, the behavior patterns have a chance at changing for the better of the child and everyone involved. In order to change the negative mannerisms and behaviors, there has to be a counter action of positives and encouragement. Counseling is a source of change for the children. Building social skills and learning to live in a different manner can increase the positive success of being in the welfare system.

The federal government is the head of the cohesive management of child welfare systems. They provide the guidelines and requirements that give the other agencies. Programs for child welfare are funded by the federal government by grants and other sources with tax dollars. Tax dollars are significant in the success of these programs. Registered voters have the power to decide which officials to elect that will enhance and reform as needed, the programs that support child welfare programs. It is important for the public to know how tax dollars are being spent. It is helpful if the tax payers could understand how the programs that help children are funded and also how the programs are changing the lives of children.
Child welfare should be thought of as a positive method of support and care for children that are in families that do not have the ability to provide this level of protection for their children. Sadly, there have been cases where children have not been protected or kept safe under the protection of governmental agencies in some areas. There have been incidents of neglect and children even dying to the lack of care and safety they should have been granted. Some agencies have failed at providing a positive outcome for some children. There may have been many excuses for this type neglect, but the main focus should be centered on the amount of training the child welfare workforce has and continues to receive. Monitoring and reviews are also key factors when it comes to establishing a safe and protective environment for children.

In order for the continued effort to protect children when they are no longer in the care of their parents, the organizations have to extend their levels of training. There have been incidents where a child has been taken from their home with their parents because the parents could not or did not provide the proper care and support for the child. The child was then placed in the care of a governmental agency and instead of receiving better treatment, the child was in a far worse situation that before. It is an easy task to find placement for a child that is in danger or not receiving the proper care. However it is a more challenging task to place a child in the proper case that provides safety and support. There are federal grants available that can help with the continued education and training needed by the staff the provide services for child welfare. These grants are available to help State agencies prepare the entire entity as well as each individual worker for the troublesome challenges that come with the job.

Once the adequate training has been established, rules and regulations on how the children and families should be monitored. This is especially necessary in order to provide the continuous method of safety and support. In order to achieve positive outcomes once the governmental agency is involved proper monitoring and reviews have to be constructed. The environment the child is in whether it is with a foster family, adoptive family or a child protection agency, has to be measured against the rules and regulations set forth by the governmental agency. The purpose of the monitoring is to make sure Federal requirements are being met. Another purpose is to see how the child is developing under the care of the child welfare system. This type of monitoring will help in the evaluation of the assistance the child is receiving. It will also assist in determining if the child will have a positive outcome in that particular situation or if further measures need to be taken. The monitoring system will help determine if a new living arrangement is needed in order to stay in line with the safety and growth of the child.

The most important concern for the child welfare system is the safety of the children that are in the system and the children that may need the assistance of the programs in the future. Careful monitoring and proper reviews will ensure that the homes, whether they are foster, adoptive or a governmental agency, have been maintained for safety. Child welfare helps to create stable and permanent living situations for children. Child welfare also helps to build the support of family relationships that encourages children to build better lives for themselves for the future. By meeting the educational, physical and mental needs of the children, our society can benefit from the positive relationships that can help stabilize the community.

Works Cited:

Administration for Children and Families. (2012, June 15). AFC Services. Retrieved August 1, 2012, from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families: https://www.acf.hhs.gov/index.html

Administration for Children and Families. (2012). Child Welfare Information Gateway. Retrieved August 1, 2012, from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families: https://www.childwelfare.gov

Centers for Meidcare and Medicaid Services. (2011, May). Medicaid.gov. Retrieved August 17, 2012, from Keeping America Healthy: https://www.medicaid.gov

Lindsey Duncan. (2003). Child Welfare Review. Retrieved August 1, 2012, from Child Welfare On-line Review: https://www.childwelfare.com/kids/news.htm

State of Georgia. (n.d.). Department of Family and Children Services. Retrieved August 16, 2012, from Department of Human Services: https://dfcs.dhs.georgia.gov/

United States Department of Agriculture. (May, 5 2012). USDA. Retrieved August 17, 2012, from Food & Nutrition Service: https://www.fns.usda.gov/wic

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