
Regardless of the format you select your final project must

CEO Pay Ratio Dilemma:

Review the following articles.

• "Remember the Guy Who Gave His Employees a $70,000 Minimum Wage? Here's What Happened Next" - https://www.slate.com/blogs/moneybox/2015/10/23/remember_dan_price_of_gravity_payments_who_gave_his_employees_a_70_000_minimum.html?utm_source=pocket&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=pockethits

• "After company raises minimum salary to $70,000, revenue and profits double" - https://thinkprogress.org/economy/2015/10/26/3715988/gravity-payments-revenue/

Perform an Internet search for two to three sites related to and reporting CEO pay ratios with median employee salaries. Select a well-known company from your research.


Regardless of the format you select, your final project must answer the following questions:

• If you were the CEO, how would you justify the ratio? (2 pages OR 6-8 slides)

• If you were an employee, how would you address the CEO on the fairness and ethics of the ratio? (2 pages OR 6-8 slides)

Consider background information (for example, level of education and level and type of experience and success) on both sides of the issue.

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Business Management: Regardless of the format you select your final project must
Reference No:- TGS01413862

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