You learned about reform efforts taking place across the United States. Specifically, efforts taking place in Newark and other parts of the country.
You will bridge your readings with the analysis and recommendations from President Obama's 21st-Century Task Force Report.
You will watch the documentary, Policing the Police, and discuss how certain policies became institutionalized within agencies, certain behaviors within some individual officers, and what it will take to repair the damage of many of the policies that were implemented.
The specific steps are as follows:
Watch Policing the Police.
A transcript of the documentary is available at this Web site.
Read the following report from the ACLU: Analysis Reveals Black Newarkers Stopped Disproportionately and Bulk of Stops Involve Innocent People.
Find at least 2 areas within the documentary that most resonated with you and are areas that you would like to know more about.
Create 1 question that you share with the class that you would like some help answering. This question must relate to the documentary and readings.