
Reflective essay on leadership as a foundation

Assignment Task:

One of the defining characteristics of a profession is the requirement to remain current with advances in the field. The multiple professional organizations that reflect healthcare all have in common a focus on self-directed career development. This is especially important in a healthcare employment market where professionals will likely work for several organizations and possibly several types of jobs (e.g., management, clinical, and technical) during their careers. 

Relying on your employer alone to offer the types of learning opportunities that are necessary to continue to adapt to a changing healthcare system may be insufficient. The leadership and lifelong learning study focuses on development or refinement of the knowledge, skills, and abilities inherent in successful leadership, underscored by a continuous process of self-motivated education and development.

This exercise also marks a shift from the professor providing source documents to you conducting your own research. Some resources are offered in the Bibliography section of the Syllabus, but you are encouraged to explore.


Using the reflective essay on leadership as a foundation, an individualized, personal leadership development plan that includes the following elements:

  • Identification of appropriate leadership behaviors
  • A leadership self-assessment
  • Areas for Development
  • Objectives of development plan
  • Time frame to achieve goals
  • Methods to be employed
  • Evaluation plan to gauge success

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History: Reflective essay on leadership as a foundation
Reference No:- TGS03401582

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