
Reflection on the significance of lsquorace and ethnicity

Please base the Essay on Melbourne Australia

1. textbook chapter on article by Bowser, B. (2007) ‘Ethnography of racial identities in Paris: Public indicators of social hierarchy. A research note', Social Science Information 46(4): 591-605 which you will find in the prescribed readings for Week 6 on the LMS site (section on tutorial readings). Take notes on Bowser's aims, method and reflections.

2. Reflect on how ‘race' and ethnicity might influence people's social relations and interactions in Melbourne. Take notes on your reflections/expectations.

Think about a place where you might be able to observe ‘race' and ethnic identity playing out in people's social relations and interactions in Melbourne. This can be a public place (for example a shopping centre, a café, a playground, the university campus, on public transport, at a church or a gym) or a private place (for example a party; a shared house). Imagine your presence in that place and consider if or how your presence might influence what you observe.

Observe (verbal and/or non-verbal) relations and interactions between people through the lens of ‘race' and ethnicity. Do you see anything in the way that people interact with each other that you would explain by ‘race' or ethnicity

Reflective text

Write a 1,000 word text on your observations including your reflections before and after.

Your text should include the following:

· A brief definition of the concept(s) you use, for example ‘race', ‘ethnicity', ‘racial identity'.

· A description of the location of your observation and

· A reflection on why you chose this location, and

· What you expected to see.

· A description of what you observed: the interactions (verbal and/ or non-verbal such as body language) and the people interacting

· Reflection on the significance of ‘race' and ethnicity in these interactions. How can these concepts be defined? Do you think the interactions and relations you observed are influenced by ‘race' and ethnicity in any way? If yes, in what way?

· Reflection on what (if anything) this exercise taught you about the role of ‘race' and ethnicity; ways of finding out about the role of ‘race' and ethnicity; your own ‘race' or ethnicity.

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