Task - Reflection on Cross-cultural Competencies
Based on your learning in the course, use a reflective model and critically reflect on how your crosscultural competencies have developed throughout the course time. That is, we specifically would like to know your "learning gain" derived from this course. To help you prepare for Task 2, you are invited to take a weekly learning diary as a formative task. Feedback will be given if you complete each week's learning diary by its deadline. The links are available on Moodle under the box titled "weekly learning diary" and the deadline is specified next to the link of each learning diary.
There are many models of reflection, the famous ones being Kolb's experiential learning cycle (1984), Gibbs' reflective cycle (1988), and SchÖn's reflection-in-action and reflection-on-action (1983). Choose ONE model as the framework for your own reflection. If you prefer a holistic rather than sequential approach, you may like to try using the "natural reflection" grid. This should be used alongside the "reflective compass." Instructions for use are on the grid. For more information see