
Reflect upon how the ideas of certain philosophers


Write a 900-1200 word essay on the below topics.

The lessons reflect upon how the ideas of certain philosophers influenced literary works produced during the Enlightenment and Modern literary periods.

Choose one philosopher from our lessons (Voltaire) and show how your chosen philosopher's theories influence the literature of either the Enlightenment or Modern era.

You are not required to cite the original work from the philosopher. Rather, for this essay, you may consult sources that explain your chosen philosopher's theories.

Please remember the following:

Avoid any and all summary sites within your essay. This includes Sparknotes, Shmoop, Cliff's Notes, and Wikipedia.

Use MLA format and citations in this essay. Also, please write this essay using the objective third-person point of view.

You may not use any wording from previous essays or forums.

Note that the works cited page and headings are not included in the page count. Please use one-inch margins, double-space, and do not add extra line spaces between paragraphs (or anywhere else). Use 12-point Times New Roman font.

Scholarly sources generally come from academic journals and have been examined by experts in the field for accuracy.

Make sure your essay has a clear introduction with a thesis statement (usually a single sentence that identifies a specific, narrow topic and offers an opinion or point of view on the topic) at the end of the introduction.

Make sure your body paragraphs are focused on proving your thesis statement. Do not summarize the readings.Instead, use the readings to support your own original ideas.

Be sure that your thesis expresses an analytical thought and is not just a statement of simple fact or plot summary.

Make sure to have a conclusion that does not bring in new information. The conclusion should be more than just summary, and you should never repeat your thesis statement. In the conclusion, explain what the reader should have learned by reading your essay. Conclude.

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Other Subject: Reflect upon how the ideas of certain philosophers
Reference No:- TGS02607304

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