
Reflect on your interviews and describe your own feelings

Multicultural Issues Interview Data

This week, you conducted interviews with two individuals whose cultural background is different from yours. The topic was cultural issues they experienced in curriculum, instruction, and assessment. For this discussion, report on those interviews.

Provide a brief description of the people with whom you discussed the cultural issues topic. Why did you select these two people? Be sure to use pseudonyms when you refer to these individuals.

What cultural challenges related to curriculum, instruction, and assessment did these individuals experience in their schooling?

How did the individuals you interviewed cope with the challenges they experienced? Were their strategies effective?

Reflect on your interviews and describe your own feelings during the conversation. Did you experience any discomfort, any cognitive dissonance? How did you resolve those?

How do you plan to apply what you learned from these interviews in your own educational practice?

Check Your Progress

We are just past the midpoint of your first course in the program. Congratulations on your progress! Take a bit of time to reflect on the work that you have done thus far. Return to your Unit 2 assignment, in which you set goals for your learning in this course.

What are the "big ideas" you have learned thus far? How does that learning move you toward your learning goals?

What content is still "muddiest" to you thus far? What do you need to know in order to clear up your understanding of that content?

Overall, are you on track to meet your learning goals?

Finally, ask any questions of your instructor that would help move your learning forward in this course.

Impacts on Learning

In your upcoming assignment, you are creating a PowerPoint presentation with an intended audience of new educators in your setting. To begin thinking about the content of your presentation, respond to these prompts:

In your setting, what are the most significant issues related to diversity?

How do these issues that you identified impact student learning?

How do these issues that you identified impact the work of educators? Specifically, address curriculum, instruction, and assessment, as well as any other areas that are impacted.

Instructional Strategies

In this unit, you learned about strategies for meeting the needs of diverse learners in your instructional setting. Select a recent lesson plan you have implemented or locate one online. Evaluate it to determine opportunities for using strategies you have learned are helpful for students from diverse backgrounds.

Attach a copy of your lesson plan.

In your discussion, describe practices you incorporated that are responsive to the diverse needs of students.

Identify opportunities to include more culturally responsive strategies in your lesson.

Explain how you can share your learning on strategies for meeting the needs of diverse students with your work colleagues.

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Other Subject: Reflect on your interviews and describe your own feelings
Reference No:- TGS02464276

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