1. Reflect on your definition of leadership. Has it changed? What has influenced the change or kept it the same? Reflect on 1-2 "Aha!" moments related to your eight-week study during this course.
2. What impact does the encounter with theoretical material have on your view of leadership relevant to your work in your organization?
3. What three recommendations do you propose for new or experienced leaders based on what you have assimilated into your understanding through this course.
4. Support your assertions, views, and recommendations with scholarly research. Note that four outside scholarly sources are the minimum (your course textbook does not count).
As you reflect over the leadership practices emphasized in this course, discuss your own strengths in terms of the Kouzes and Posner list of five practices. Which of the five practices is the most natural for you, and what contributes (or contributed) to making it stronger in you than the other practices. What are your plans to more effectively develop this leadership practice in your life beyond what it already is? (No citations/references required).