As you have experienced, Earth is a dynamic planet with many parts that are constantly changing the world around us. Some of these changes may be very noticeable, like a landslide, while others, like the weathering of mountains, may take thousands of years. As you reflect on your experience in this course, consider how this course has affected how you see the landscape around you. When you step outside and view rolling hills or mountains, how has your perception of them changed? Do you see weather events through the same lens as you did when you started this course? In this assignment, you will reflect on what you have learned and how you now see the Earth around you in a different light.
Questions about this assignment? Post them in the Contact the Instructor area. That way, everyone in the class will see, and benefit from, the Instructor's response.
To prepare for this Reflection:
• Review the Learning Resources for the course.
• Review your Discussion postings and Application Assignments.
• Reflect on what you have learned in this course and think about the journey you have taken. In this journey, you went from learning about the components and processes of the Earth, to the Earth as a planet in our Solar System, and ended with the Earth's climate system. You have learned that Earth is constantly in motion and ever changing.
• As you now look at the world around you, consider how this course has changed the way you see the planet you call home.
• Consider what Earth science topics you will continue to follow after this course. Will you pay more attention to news reports about the debate over possible life on other planets? Volcano eruptions? Storm predictions? Why a flood is not receding?
• As a result of what you have learned in this course, what one action item would you consider doing as critical to helping with the Earth's preservation in your area, or in general?
The assignment:
• Write a 3-page paper in which you do the following:
o Reflect on key learning in this course.
o Explain how you now see the world differently as a result of taking this course
o Describe two Earth science topics that you will continue to follow after this course, and explain why you have selected them.
o Describe what one action item that you would consider doing as critical to helping with the Earth's preservation in your area, or in general.