
Reflect on the cultural aspects of the scenario presented



Your company has sent you abroad to Japan for a business trip, and while at a business dinner, you notice that whale meat is on the restaurant menu as a traditional part of the local cuisine. Click here to review Japanese views on eating whale meat.

Journal Entry

Write a journal entry which is 1-2 double-spaced pages in length that addresses the following questions. You are not required to include a cover page, but if you refer to information from your textbook or other sources, be sure you provide in-text citations in accordance with APA requirements. Make sure you refer to the rubric to ensure you address all the requirements for the paper.

1. Description: Imagine how you would feel if you were in the scenario. Describe your reaction(s) to the situation. How do you feel about it? What is your initial reaction? How might you handle this situation at the restaurant?

2. Interpretation and reflection: Reflect on the cultural aspects of the scenario presented. Do people outside of a culture have the right to criticize that culture's values or beliefs? Why or why not?


Baseel, C. (2015, October 6). How do people in Japan feel about eating whale? We asked five people for their opinions. Sora News 24.

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History: Reflect on the cultural aspects of the scenario presented
Reference No:- TGS02650127

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