Assignment Task:
Problem 1: Reflect on nursing practice to identify issues of particular interest or concern to you and/or your organization.
Q1. Identify a practice or organization issue (Select something that involves Mental Health, Mental Health Stigma and cultural competency in mental health care).
a. Explain why you chose it.
b. Select two middle-range theories that you believe are relevant and valuable in addressing the practice or organization issue you selected. Explain why you chose them.
c. Explain how you would apply each middle-range theory to the practice or organization issue. Be specific and provide examples. Need Assignment Help?
Q2. Health Belief Model
a. Describe the interdisciplinary theory (Health Belief model).
b. Describe the practice or organizational issues you selected in question one
c. Explanation of how the theories selected above align with and can be applied to the practice or organization issue you selected
(Be specific and cite at least two recent, peer-reviewed articles-published within the last 5 years-to support your points.)
a. Describe one example you observed in which evidence-based practice (EBP) has been utilized in nursing- please incorporate something about mental health. Explain why it has been successful.
b. Describe one example you observed in which EBP has not been utilized. Explain why it has not been successful. Then, explain how utilizing evidence could help make the nursing practice more successful.
Problem 2:
Q1. Explain how your personal, academic, and professional goals align with Walden University's vision, mission, social change outcomes, and SDoH framework. Be specific and provide examples.
My Goal aligns with health equality, access to care, and reducing disparities, mental Health Stigma in Minority Populations and cultural competency in mental health care.
2. Explain how your personal, academic, and professional goals align with AACN's The Essentials.
3. Explain how you plan to incorporate a commitment to social change into your program of study (DNP) and professional practice.