Reflect on how your own understanding of who you are is

Answer these questions

This section briefly introduces yourself to the instructor and peer reviewers through concepts introduced in Chapter 1 and in relation to music that is meaningful to you. This section will be structured by the following section headings from Chapter 1:

• Introducing Myself: Where Are You From? (13-15)

• Thinking About Time: Past, Present, and Future (6-8)

• Thinking About Intertribalism (8-10)

• Thinking About Names and Terminology (10-13)

For each of these four sections, you will do two things:

a) reflect on how your own understanding of who you are is similar to or different from the concepts and ideas introduced in the chapter (cite specific terms and concepts);

b) choose a song that is important to you that you feel speaks to the similarities or differences you identified above.

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Dissertation: Reflect on how your own understanding of who you are is
Reference No:- TGS02318183

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