Reflect on how you are revising your research process if

Part I. Reflect on the new research skills you are learning.

Reflect on the skills you've learned this week: brainstorming topics, determining keywords, exploring what's out there, searching GVRL, Google, Wikipedia, mind-mapping & narrowing down your topic, etc.

What have you learned and how are you applying these new skills to your own project? Detail all the steps you took, why you did those things, and how it went.

Reflect on how you are revising your research process. If you've done research before, what are you doing differently now? What's new for you about academic research? What's already familiar? What questions do you have?

Part II. Reflect on what new content your are learning.

1. List the keywords you have been using for your topic(s) and how you have been revising these keywords as you go.

2. Now that you've done more preliminary research, revise your initial topic choices: how have your topic ideas changed or been refined through this process?

3. Write about the new things you learned about your specific topic (whichever one you are working with right now). Teach me one specific thing about one of your topic ideas. (Use your annotation matrix to help with this question).

Part III. List sources.
Show me at least 2 sources that you've found using GVRL or Google Advanced Search on your annotation matrix. Share your annotation matrix with me. Fill out the categories for each source as best as you can.

Click "Share" on the upper right hand corner of your spreadsheet, make sure you "give permission to anyone with the link" and then copy and paste the shareable link at the bottom of your Journal entry.

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