Read Griffin and Farris's 2010 article, "School Counselors and Collaboration: Finding Resources Through Community Asset Mapping," from Professional School Counseling, volume 13, issue 5, pages 248-256. Which is attached.
Locate one other article on collaborating with outside agencies.
After studying the history and trends of school counseling and reading the articles on collaboration:
Reflect honestly on what you believe to be the most important roles and functions of a contemporary professional school counselor and describe at least three of them.
Identify a minimum of three out-of-school human service agencies you may collaborate with.
As a professional school counselor, describe the strategies you can use to develop relationships and collaborate with other human service providers to expand the effectiveness of the overall school counseling program.
1 1/2 - 2 pages long. Professionally written.
Reading : School Counselors and Collaboration: Finding Resources Through Community Asset Mapping