Assignment task:
Reflect on the concept of collaboration as conceptualized by Emich (2018). What are your experiences with collaboration with other members of the healthcare team? Synthesize the findings in these three sources, and apply them to your own experience.
This assignment will be an individual representation of your perceptions of collaboration, as well as your personal experiences with this concept.
Matziou, V., Vlahioti, E., Perdikaris, P., Matziou, T., Megapanou, E., and Petsios, K. (2014). Physician and nursing perceptions concerning interprofessional communication and collaboration. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 28(6): 526-533.
Emich, C. (2018) Conceptualizing collaboration in nursing. Nursing Forum, 53, 567-573.
Altmiller, G. (2014) Interprofessional Teamwork and Collaboration in Kelly, P. Vottero, B. A., and Christie-McAuliffe, C.A. Quality and Safety Education for Nurses, 131-160.