Referring to your experience as a computer user describe 3 different situations where items are stored and retrieved in a stack-like fashion, i.e., LIFO order. Use one or two sentences to explain how the data behave like a stack.
You can pick from any application or computer hardware or service that you commonly use, e.g., word processor, web browser, mouse, online games, social media, etc. But you may not pick from core algorithms, e.g., expression bracketing, or recursive depth-first-search. Your answers should expressed in English so that a non-computer programmer could understand what you mean.
Sample Solution: (You may not submit this for credit. ) E.g., From web browser. Your browser's navigation is governed by a stack. Every new page you visit is pushed onto a stack of history, and this history is most commonly accessed in LIFO order, via your browser's "Back" button.
(b) This time, give 3 different situations where the average computer user might see something queue-like. The same standard of answers as in part (a) apply to this part.