
References to data sources used for your study although you

You are required to submit a short report (1000 words), addressing all of the points specified in the Task for your assignment. Your report should include the following:

•A brief description of the background to the assignment;

•A description of how you collected the data, and how you ensured a random sample;

•The key findings from your analysis, addressing all of the points specified in the Task section of the Assignment Sheet for your group. You should include relevant graphs, tables, summary statistics and statistical analyses to support your findings;

•Key issues and/or points of discussion for Top Management to consider based on your findings;

•References to data sources used for your study. Although you will work as a group to undertake your analysis, you must submit an individual report. The text, graphs, tables etc included in your report should be your own work. Data have been collected as showed in the "QM data" Excel file. Please write a report to analyze and interpret the data. Please refer carefully to the "Assignment requirement" and do the report in the template "QM report".An overseas hotel chain is considering branching into the UK, and the Management wishto undertake an analysis of existing hotel provision in the three cities of London, Cardiffand Edinburgh.

The Management are particularly interested in the following questions:

·What is the mix of hotels in these cities by star rating, and does this differ betweencities?
·How do the prices of hotel rooms compare between cities and between hotels withdifferent star ratings?
·What proportion of hotels have swimming pools? Does this differ between citiesand between hotels with different star ratings? Do swimming pools influence theprice of rooms?
·Are there any other interesting aspects of hotel provision in the cities?

In order to address the above questions you will need to undertake the following activitiesas a minimum:

1: Identify a suitable source of data and create a database of hotels in the 3 cities.You will need to consider how you collect the data to ensure a representativesample, and should identify relevant variables to measure for each hotel.
2: Produce summary graphs and statistics relating to variables of interest.
3: Investigate relationships between relevant variables, using appropriate statisticaltechniques and methods.
4: Highlight and discuss any interesting aspects of your data.
5: Identify relevant issues and questions for the management team to discuss basedupon your results

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Basic Statistics: References to data sources used for your study although you
Reference No:- TGS01243642

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