Refer to the video billboard campaign on rape creates

Watch: Billboard Campaign on Rape Creates Controversy

Refer to the video "Billboard Campaign on Rape Creates Controversy" in this week's materials. How can billboards such as the ones discussed in the video inform the public? Can they help reduce violence? If so, how? If not, why not? What would you tell children who ask, "What is rape"? What age would be appropriate for this discussion? Is that a conversation that is needed in our society? To whom should such a conversation be aimed at: boys or girls or both? 

Lastly issues of rape, sexual assault and domestic violence are prevalent in our society. What are some methods that we can use to have discussions and tackle these issues in ways that will help reduce incidences? (Consider recent events as your respond to this such as recent NFL cases, the Stanford rape case, the Steubenville, OH case, etc.)

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Project Management: Refer to the video billboard campaign on rape creates
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