Refer to the Ischemic heart disease data set in Appendix C.9 and Case Study 16.51. Carry out a one-way analysis of covariance of this data set, where the response of interest is total cost (variable 2). the single factor is total number of interventions (variable 5) and the Possible covariates are duration (variable 10) and age (variable 3). Recode the number of interventions into six categories: 0, I. 2, 3-4, 5-7. and greater than or equal to 8. The analysis should consider transfonnations of the response variable and the covariates. Document steps taken in your analysis. and Justify your conclusions.
Case Study 16.51
Refer to the Ischemic heart disease data set in Appendix C.9. Carry out a one-way analysis of variance of this data set, where the response of interest is total cost (variable 2) and the single factor is total number of interventions (variable 5). Recode the number of interventions into six categories: 0, 1, 2, 3-4, 5-7, and greater than or equal to 8. The analysis should consider transformations of the response variable. Document steps taken in your analysis, and justify your conclusions.
Appendix C.9
A health insurance company collected information on 788 of its subscribers who had made claims resulting from ischemic (coronary) heart disease. Data were obtained on total costs of services provided for these 788 subscribers and the nature of the various services for the period of January 1, 1998 through December 31, 1999. Each line in the data set has an identification number and provides information on 9 other variables for each subscriber. The 10 variables are: