A reflection response paper to the following 4 questions below.
Please be sure to cite 2 sources.
IMPORTANT:I have attached the scenario that you will need to read FIRST before answering any of the questions below to help answer the questions.
For each question if you can write 2-3 paragraphs. No introduction needed just answering each question. For question number 3)pose 2-3 rich questions along with a response for that question only…
1. What does the data tell you? Refer explicitly to examples/evidence.
2. What do you now know about these students? Refer explicitly to examples/evidence.
3. What are you still wondering?
4. What will be your next steps (consult and cite research)?
SOURCES; 1 can be schloarly article. 2nd source Whitin, P.E. (2007). The Mathematics Survey: A tool for assessing attitudes and dispositions. Teaching Children Mathematics, 13(8), 426-433.
Absolute fixed time frame.