
Reducing minority over-representation in us juvenile justice

Discuss below in a 800 words, APA citation:

Minority Contact has been part of the JJDP Act for over 20 years yet arguably little progress has been made in reducing the rate of minority involvement throughout the juvenile justice system. "Limited Disproportionate Minority Contact Discourse may Explain Limited Progress in Reducing Minority Over-representation in the US Juvenile Justice System" by Dorothy Dillard

Q1. Explain in detail the main points of this article made by Dillard.

Q2. Use data found from this website in publications (https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/ojjdp/228306.pdf), from OJJDP, discuss numbers and percentages that impact DMC and explain how the data does or does not support Dillard's article.

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Other Subject: Reducing minority over-representation in us juvenile justice
Reference No:- TGS01966269

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