
Reducing fuel burn of an aircraft is to an airline


Q1. Watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PS1YAX70edc

Answer the following questions after watching the video.

a) What happens to the engine?

b) What happens to the aircraft?

c) What happens to the rudder immediately after?

d) Why was applying the rudder necessary? Be detailed in your answer.

Q2. You will have to do some online research and rely on your reasoning to answer this  question. Before you start writing answers down, read the question carefully.

The wings on an aircraft generate lift. When lift is generated, the wing has a  tendency to curve upward, as shown in the picture below.

Q1. In your own words, explain why you think the wing curves upward.

Q2. Most passenger jets carry fuel in sealed tanks in their wings. Is there any advantage  to this, especially from the viewpoint of Q1?

Q3. In this question, we'll see how important reducing fuel burn of an aircraft is to an  airline.

4 engines power the Airbus A380. Airlines buying the A380 have a choice of engines,  made either by Engine Alliance (a collaboration between GE and Pratt & Whitney), or by Rolls-Royce.

In 2010, Engine Alliance announced a 0.5% reduction in fuel burn on their GP 7200  engine (used on the A380). 0.5% may not sound like much, but it can make a big  difference in the performance of the aircraft. Let's see if we can work how much effect  this fuel burn reduction has.

One of the world's longest A380 routes is operated by Emirates Airlines. Flight 216  leaves Los Angeles and flies non-stop to Dubai, U.A.E. The distance of 8,400 miles is  covered in 16 hours.

During cruise, the combined fuel burn of all 4 engines is 4,000 U.S. Gallons per hour. One  gallon of jet fuel weighs 6.7 lbs. Emirates Airlines flight EK216 takes off from Los Angeles Int'l. Airport on its 16-hour non-stop flight to  Dubai, U.A.E.

a) How much total fuel is burned during this 16-hour flight? Give your answer in gallons  and pounds (lbs).

b) On a 16-hour flight, how much fuel is saved if the engines burn 0.5% less fuel? Give  c) Today's price of jet fuel is $1.65 per gallon. How much money does Emirates Airlines  save on this flight due to the reduced fuel consumption?

d) The idea behind saving fuel is that the weight of saved fuel can be replaced by fare  paying passengers. Airlines generally estimate 200 lbs for each passenger + their  luggage.

How many extra passengers (+ their luggage) can be carried with a 0.5% fuel burn  reduction?

e) If each passenger pays an average fare of $600 on flight EK216, how much extra  money does the airline make?

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Other Subject: Reducing fuel burn of an aircraft is to an airline
Reference No:- TGS01961758

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