
Recurrent or persistent involuntary spasms of the

1) Recurrent or persistent involuntary spasms of the musculature of the outer third of the vagina that interfere with sexual intercourse

2) A paraphilic disorder in which the person repeatedly uses nonliving objects or non-genital body parts to achieve or maintain sexual arousal and such an arousal pattern causes significant distress or impairs functioning.
3) The subjective sense of being male or female (or having the sense of a more fluid identity, outside the binary categories of male and female), as these categories are defined by a person's culture.
4) ___disorder: A sexual dysfunction characterized by a woman's normal sexual excitement not leading to orgasm or to her having diminished intensity of sensations of orgasm.
5) A paraphilic disorder in which recurrent sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involve a child who has not yet gone through puberty.
6) In addition to CBT, this type of treatment for paraphilic disorders focuses on teaching men to identify and recognize high-risk situations and learn strategies to avoid them.
7) Stage in the sexual response cycle when arousal triggers involuntary contractions of the internal genital organs.
8) Stage in the sexual response cycle when an individual experiences muscle tension and engorged blood vessels in response to sensory stimuli.
9) The four stages of sexual response-excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution-outlined by Masters and Johnson.
10) The use of Viagra like drugs help women with sexual dysfunctions when this this is impaired - not their relationships.
11) Number of different sexual response cycles in women.
12) Sexual disorders that are characterized by problems in the sexual response cycle.
13) These medications often prescribed for mood and anxiety disorders can interfere with a normal sexual response.
14) The outward behaviors, attitudes, and traits that a culture deems masculine or feminine.
15) True or False? Individuals with gender dysphoria "cross-dress" for sexual arousal.
16) Stage in the sexual response cycle characterized by relaxation and a release of tension.
17) Number of months an individual must experience symptoms before being diagnosed with Gender Dysphoria.
18) Female sexual interest/arousal disorder was formerly known by this term.
18) A sexual dysfunction characterized by ejaculation that occurs within a minute of vaginal penetration and before the man wishes it, usually before, immediately during, or shortly after penetration.
19) A paraphilic disorder in which sexual fantasies, urges, or behaviors involve observing someone who is in the process of undressing, is nude, or is engaged in sexual activity, when the person being observed has neither consented to nor is aware of being observed.
20) A sexual dysfunction characterized by a man's delay or absence of orgasm.

1) Stage in the sexual response cycle when changes from the excitement phase level off.
2) Symptoms of cross-gender identity (gender dysphoria) typically begin during this period of human development.
3) ___surgery: A procedure in which a person's genitals (and breasts) are surgically altered to appear like those of the other sex.
4) A paraphilic disorder in which sexual fantasies, urges, or behaviors involve exposing one's genitals to an unsuspecting person.
6) ___disorder: A paraphilic disorder in which recurrent sexually arousing fantasies, urges, and behaviors inflict, or would inflict, physical or psychological suffering on a non-consenting person.
7) ___interest/arousal disorder: A sexual dysfunction characterized by a woman's persistent or recurrent lack of or reduced sexual interest or arousal.
9) Term for individuals who choose to live as the "opposite gender" or seek medical treatment to attain sexual characteristics that match their experienced gender.
10) A category of disorders characterized by paraphilias that lead to distress, impaired functioning, or harm-or risk of harm-to the person or to others.
11) A paraphilic disorder in which recurrent, intense, sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involve touching or rubbing against a non-consenting person.
13) Over 50% of then over this age have at least some problems in attaining or maintaining an erection.
15) ___exercises: A behavioral technique that is assigned as homework in sex therapy, in which a person or couple seeks to increase awareness of pleasurable sensations that do not involve genital touching, intercourse, or orgasm.
16) Disorders of sexual dysfunction are often divided into this many categories.
17) Individuals with sexual dysfunctions often have this co-occurring psychological disorder.
18) In sensate focus exercises, partners are prohibited from touching this part of the body in addition to having intercourse and orgasm.
20) ___sexual desire disorder: A sexual dysfunction characterized by a persistent or recurrent lack of erotic or sexual fantasies or an absence of desire for sexual activity.
22) An intense and persistent sexual interest that is different than the usual fondling or genital stimulation with "normal physically mature consenting human partners."
23) Device placed on a man's penis to measure penile rigidity when evaluating paraphilic disorders.
24) This is the nontechnical term for erectile disorder.
25) A psychological disorder characterized by an incongruence between a person's assigned gender at birth and the subjective experience of his or her gender, and that incongruence causes distress.
26) A sexual dysfunction characterized by a man's persistent difficulty obtaining or maintaining an adequate erection until the end of sexual activity, or a decrease in erectile rigidity.
27) As women age, sexual problems other than desire problems tend to ____, except for hormonally induced lubrication problems.
31) ___disorder: A paraphilic disorder in which the person cross-dresses for sexual arousal and experiences distress or impaired functioning because of the cross-dressing.
32) ___disorder: A paraphilic disorder in which the person repeatedly becomes sexually aroused by fantasies, urges, or behaviors related to being hurt-specifically, being humiliated or made to suffer in other ways-and this arousal pattern causes significant distress or impairs functioning.
37) ___pain/penetration disorder: A sexual dysfunction in women characterized by pain, fear, or anxiety related to the vaginal penetration of intercourse.

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Dissertation: Recurrent or persistent involuntary spasms of the
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