Recruitment of IT employees in Marks and Spencers UK:
Project instructions:
Marks and Spencer’s (UK) sees its proprietary software as a source of competitive advantage. IT employees are therefore crucial to the success of the company.
a. Describe Marks and Spencer’s recruitment and selection process for IT candidates, and why you think Marks and Spencer’s takes this approach
b. Identify and explain five competencies that Marks and Spencer’s looks for in its IT employees
express information and arguments in a logical and well structured manner
express your own opinions
Higher marks will be given to reports that:
1. Not only describe but analyse and evaluate the information research evidence that is up to date i.e. a statement about current strategy is not from 2004
2. Answers that combine different aspects of the course e.g. linking store performance measurement with employee reward or linking business change with a change in the external business environment