Recruit someone you trust to help you. Have them prepare two items for you to taste (tell them to be nice), but do not let them tell you what they are. While they are preparing the items, find something to use as a blindfold and plug your nose so you cannot smell. You should not be able to see or smell the food while sampling it. As you chew, see if you can recognize the flavor. If not, unplug your nose and see if that helps you detect it. If that doesn’t work, take off the blindfold and see if you can identify it. Once you have completed this activity, provide an analysis by sharing the following as you respond: Were you able to determine the food without smell or sight? At what point did you identify the food (e.g., blindfolded with nose plugged, blindfolded with nose unplugged, or neither)? Analyze the relationship between taste and smell. Analyze the relationship between taste and sight. Option B: Explain the processes involved in how one senses the world around them (sight, touch, hearing, etc). If you had to give up one, which would it be? Why? What in your life (think about home, work, school) would be impacted by this lack of sense? How does perception influence your sensory systems? Your initial post must be a minimum of 200 words and utilize at least one scholarly source (e.g., the course textbook, a peer reviewed article from the Ashford University Library, or a professional web source), cited according to APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Guided Response: Respond to at least two of your classmates who chose a different option than you. Discuss the insights they shared from the completed activity. In response to Option A: Do you agree with their analysis of the relationship between sight, smell, and taste? Which do you think is more important with regards to taste? In response to Option B: Would you give up the same sense that they opted to? Do you think they anticipated all of the challenges with the sense that they decided to give up?