Recovering a tort judgment for negligence

Assignment task:

Suzy, a 6-year-old girl in Arizona, was severely injured when her mother took her to an amusement park and let her go down a water slide by herself. Suzy's rehabilitation will be very expensive. Which of the following is most accurate regarding Suzy's chances of recovering a tort judgment for negligence against her mother?

A) Suzy will not be able to recover a tort judgment against her mother because children are not competent to bring a legal action.

B) Suzy will not be able to recover a tort judgment against her mother because of parent-child immunity.

C) Suzy will be able to recover a tort judgment against her mother only if she establishes that her mother was grossly negligent.

D) Suzy will be able to recover a tort judgment against her mother if she establishes that her mother did not act as a reasonably prudent parent.

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Other Subject: Recovering a tort judgment for negligence
Reference No:- TGS03414490

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