Recover damages for breach of contract

Case Problem:

Dean, a dealer, contracted in writing to sell a Camry to Maria, a merchant.  Dean, acting without legal cause, refused to deliver the car.  Four months later, Maria purchased a Camry (same model, same year) elsewhere.  Maria sued Dean to recover damages for breach of contract.  Maria contends that the car was intended for use by one of her salespeople and that a large volume of business was lost because the particular salesperson concerned, having no car for four months, could not cover the sales route effectively.  Maria seeks to recover the profits thus lost for the four-month period in question.  What damages, if any, will Maria recover from Dean?

Your answer must be in 200 words, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides, APA format.

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Business Law and Ethics: Recover damages for breach of contract
Reference No:- TGS01878903

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