Recount the event that inspired the painting guernica

1. Recount the event that inspired the painting Guernica. Discuss the style and imagery that Picasso used to respond to that event?

2. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe coined the axiom, “less is more.” Explain the meaning of this saying and, using examples, describe how the Bauhaus made use of this as a principle?

3. Describe the development and influence of Cubism. Include a comment regarding the working relationship of Picasso and Braque?

4. Contrast the painting of Jackson Pollock and Willem de Kooning. What is the emotional impact on the viewer and how does it differ between the two painters? What was the difference in the artists’ approaches?

5. Describe Marcel Duchamp’s use of kitsch and its inclusion in Pop Art. How did this confuse and upset ideas of “high” and “low” art?

6. Discuss the International Style of Architecture and its expression in the Seagram Building in New York. Include its use of materials and ideas of aesthetics.

7. Choose a work of art created since 1945 and discuss its merit as a superbly crafted object, an intellectually challenging encounter, and an aesthetically rewarding visual experience.

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History: Recount the event that inspired the painting guernica
Reference No:- TGS0571943

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