Recording the Audit - ISA 230
Purpose of working papers
It is necessary which all audit work is documented - the working papers are the tangible evidence of the work complete in support of the audit thought.
The ISA identifies the reasons about preparing audit working follows as:
a) The reporting partner uses to be capable to satisfy himself which work delegated through him has been correctly performed. The reporting partner can individually only do this through having obtainable to him detailed working papers prepared through the audit staff that such performed the work.
b) Working papers give for future reference, details of problems encountered, together along with evidence of work performed and result drawn there from in arriving on the audit thought.
c) The working papers preparation of encourages such the auditor to adopt a methodical approach.
The exact form which working papers may take cannot be prescribed each firm will include its own disciplines. However form the papers take, whatever, they must realize the main objectives set out over.