
Record the resolution of the instrument you are using

To summarize

  • Record the resolution of the instrument you are using.
  • Record the units of each measurement.
  • Whenever you write down a data point, write it with correct number of significant figures.
  • The reported value of a direct measurement is the mean of the data set.
  • The reported uncertainty of a direct measurement is either the standard deviation or the resolution of the instrument, whichever is larger. Either way, the uncertainty is reported as a single non-zero digit, the uncertainty defines the last significant digit in the measurement.
  • Use the high/low method to find the uncertainty in a derived measurement.


1. Place the meter stick along the length of the table near the middle of the width. Make sure the meter stick is parallel to the length.

2. Record the length of the table, keeping in the mind the precision of the meter stick.

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 nine more times for a total of 10 measurements. Make the measurement at different 10 different places along the width so that any variation in the length is included in the measurement.

4. Repeat steps 1 through 3, this time measuring the width. Place the meter stick aat various places along the length so that any variation in the width is included in the measurements.


Li (cm)

Li - L (cm)

(Li - L)2 (cm)2










































101 (Li - L)2 =

σL =


1. Perform all necessary calculations to complete your data tables.

2. Perform the summations of the values of (Li - L)2

3. Use the values of the summations of (Li - L)2 to calculate the value of σL.

4. Repeat the above calculations for the width measurements.

5. Using the methods described in the Theory section, calculate the area and the uncertainty in the area of you lab table.

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Physics: Record the resolution of the instrument you are using
Reference No:- TGS01116876

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