Record the accompanying exchanges in the suitable books of unique passage and show how they will be posted.
Expect receipt numbers, folio number, and so on.
Mar. 6 Purchased on Credit from Kadam 100 Shirts @ ` 300 each 50 Neckties @ ` 100 each. 36 FP-FA&A Mar.10 Sold on Credit to Mehta 10 Bush Shirts @ 350 each 20 Hand towels @ ` 20 each. ” 13 Goods returned to Kadam 2 Shirts @ 300 each ” 17 Sold to Andley on Credit 20 Trousers @ ` 200 each 5 Neck-ties @ ` 120 each ” 18 Goods received back from Manohar, a customer 4 Nick-ties @ ` 110 each 2 Shirts @ ` 500 each ” 22 Sold to Apte on credit 5 Bush Shirts @ ` 500 each 100 metres of long cloth @ ` 30 per metre ” 28 Apte returns 1 Bush Shirt invoiced at ` 500 ” 30 Purchased goods on credit from Gyani Cloth Store 150 Bush Shirts @ ` 400 each 200 metres of long cloth @ ` 25 per metre 50 metres of shirting @ ` 150 per metre Gyani Cloth Store allows Trade Discount @ 5% Andley returns one Neck-tie invoiced at ` 120