
Record next to each number the strength of that password as

Assignment 1: Think Critically - Dumb and Smart Passwords short Essay Submittal

Given what you know today, what could a security professional do to prevent this situation or use this information in a defense? Think critically. Think creatively. Think out of the box.  Remember, that's how the attackers think.

Assignment 2 Apply: Case Project - Testing Password Strength

How strong are your passwords? Various online tools can provide information on password strength, but not all feedback is the same. First, assign the numbers 1 through 3 to three of the passwords you are currently using, and write down the number (not the password) on a piece of paper. Then, enter those passwords into these three online password testing services:

How Secure Is My Password (howsecureismypassword.net/)

Check Your Password (www.microsoft.com/security/pc-security/password-checker.aspx)

The Password Meter (www.passwordmeter.com/)

Record next to each number the strength of that password as indicated by these three online tools. Then use each online password tester to modify the password by adding more random numbers or letters to increase its strength. How secure are your passwords? Would any of these tools encourage someone to create a stronger password? Which provided the best information?

Create a one-paragraph summary of your findings.

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Dissertation: Record next to each number the strength of that password as
Reference No:- TGS01655617

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