
record keeping systematic process for collecting

Record Keeping

Systematic process for collecting information on employees health, working conditions and any accident requirement be established in a company. Various differences had existed between employers and employees in respect of both health conditions and safety measures. The employers must complained that government sponsored documents could be interpreted in different ways while the employees had the grudge, that organization recognized emerging safety areas quite belatedly. The need of record keeping may include the following:

  1. Good quality of records must be prepared in simplified way.
  2. Records should cover stakes of all vulnerable employees.
  3. Employees should have access to records.
  4. Guidelines for record keeping must be clearly outlined.

It is significant to have common standard for recording and reporting occupational illness and injury in dissimilar organizations. One such standard defines an occupational injury as cut, fracture, sprain or amputation resulting from a work related accident or from exposure involving a single incident in work environment. An occupational illness is defined as any abnormal condition or disorder other than one resulting from occupational injury caused by working in the existing working environment. Chronic illnesses or diseases resulting from inhalation, absorption, ingestion or direct contact with toxic substances or harmful agents bust also be included in above lists.

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Mechanical Engineering: record keeping systematic process for collecting
Reference No:- TGS0182038

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