
Recommended model-will best forecast sales


THE 23rd STORE (based on a problem by Alan L. Sarpe)

A retailing company owns and operates 22 home-building-supply stores in its various metropolitan areas across the country. Management is currently trying to pick the location for its 23rd store. Two locations have passed through the initial screening phase and are under intensive study by the Management Committee: one in Toronto and one in Ottawa.

Pleased with both operating cost and sales performance under existing policies, the main criterion in location selection is to be expected sales volume. For this reason, the Management Committee has all but decided on the Toronto location, believing that sales would be higher there. The Committee has reached an impasse, however, trying to decide upon the amount of parking facilities to provide at the store. The poles of opinion have taken the following form:

"Since land prices are so high let's keep parking space to a bare minimum."

"Good sales depends heavily on adequate parking facilities. Let us not hold back on our capital expenditure and risk poor sales performance."

The Management Committee is seeking an objective opinion to help resolve their location selection decision.

The file "23rd store raw data" contains data about the existing 22 stores, including last year's sales as well as the demographics of each store's area. Additional information is provided about the potential store locations in both Toronto and Ottawa for comparison purposes.


Analyze the accompanying data and provide your recommended model that will best forecast sales.

Provide a thorough assessment of your recommended model.

Summarize your findings in a maximum one page report to the Management Committee. In addition to clearly addressing their concerns regarding both location and parking spaces, highlight any other insights or findings from your analysis. Where possible, provide clear quantitative direction.

Submit an Excel file containing any models used in arriving at the insights for your report. DO NOT include every single model you may have built - only ones that are relevant to your discussion. [Hint: in order to fully address management's concerns you may wish to rely on more than one model - you are not limited to using only one model's results in generating insights.   But you MUST clearly identify ONE model that you believe is best for PREDICTING SALES.]


Variable Name



Last year's sales in $'000s

Store Size

In 100s of square metres of floor space

Parking Ratio

Number of dedicated parking spaces per 100 square metres of floor space

Population in Store Vicinity

Number of people who live within a circle of radius 5 km, centred at the store location, in '000s of people

Average Earnings in Store Vicinity

Average earnings per family living within a circle of radius 5 km, centred at the store location, in $'000s

Housing Split in Store Vicinity

Percentage of people within a circle of radius 5 km, centred at the store location, who live in single family dwellings

Population of Metropolitan Area

Population of the metropolitan area in which the store is located, in '000,000 people

Competition Ratio

Number of similar retail establishments per 100,000 people in the metropolitan area in which the store is located

Average Earnings in Metropolitan Area

Average earnings per family living in the metropolitan area in which the store is located, in $'000s

Data is

Store # Sales Size Pk Ratio Pop Vic Earn Vic Hous Spl Pop Metr Comp Rat Earn Metr
1 389 10 3 3330 7.99 35.3 2.5 2 5.82
2 492.6 13 3 300 7.99 42.2 2.5 2 5.82
3 641.4 15 5 350 8.12 47.7 2.5 2 5.82
4 505.2 11 4 300 7.97 39.6 2.5 2 5.82
5 364.8 9 3 300 8.01 35.5 2.5 2 5.82
6 464.9 10 4 160 7.84 63.5 1.2 3 6.02
7 343.2 8 2 140 7.93 58.8 1.2 3 6.02
8 416.1 10 3 150 8.19 63.9 1.2 3 6.02
9 542.1 14 5 170 7.99 68.8 1.2 3 6.02
10 678.5 12 3 350 8.06 40.3 2.5 1 5.91
11 799.8 15 4 350 7.84 50.3 2.5 1 5.91
12 654.4 10 3 300 7.98 53.2 2.5 1 5.91
13 710.1 10 3 275 8.07 57.1 2.5 1 5.91
14 872.1 16 5 300 7.95 49.1 2.5 1 5.91
15 753.8 12 3 90 8.06 60.2 0.8 0.5 5.72
16 696.7 10 4 80 7.97 50.7 0.8 0.5 5.72
17 567.9 9 3 70 8.19 49.3 0.8 0.5 5.72
18 901.9 14 4 85 7.99 63.4 0.7 0.2 5.73
19 608 9 2 65 7.98 49.5 0.7 0.2 5.73
20 734.7 10 3 70 7.97 69.6 0.7 0.2 5.73
21 674.8 9 2 55 8.11 70.6 0.6 1.2 5.69
22 653.3 9 2 65 8.04 75.2 0.6 1.2 5.69
Proposed Location Store size (100 sq m) Number of Parking Spaces Total Land Cost Annual Property Taxes

Toronto 15 30 $     1,00,000.00 $                                                12,000.00

Toronto 15 60 $     1,40,000.00 $                                                16,000.00

Ottawa 15 30 $        80,000.00 $                                                  9,000.00

Ottawa 15 60 $        95,000.00 $                                                11,000.00

Proposed Location Pop Vic Earn Vic Hous Spl Pop Metr Comp Rat Earn Metr
Toronto 280 7.92 40.7 2.5 2 5.82
Ottawa 80 7.97 62.3 0.8 0.5 5.72

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Operation Management: Recommended model-will best forecast sales
Reference No:- TGS02069318

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