
Recommendations for nursing

Assessment (2500 words equivalent) This assignment requires you to develop a power point slide (Part A) that could be presented to your ‘target audience’ as a posterto disseminate the findings of your re search project. You will identify key messages,the appIicabilit[y ofthe findings and implicationsfor.’practice. You will also describe what you have learned in the course to date, and how this will inf uence your practice as a newly quali ied Registered Nurse (Part B). Objectives being assessed: – Identify the implications and make recommendations for nursing CO 5 – Design a poster presentation in orderto disseminate findings Tasks: 1.

Download the Assignment  template located in the Assessments folder to use. DO NOT re-format the Template 2. Part A: Design and develop a poster using the headings provided in the slide. 3. Identify key messages and implicationsfor practice in relation to your findings and re search question and for registered nurses 4.

Part B: In relation to what you hav e learned in the course to date, describe how this will influence your practice as a newly qualified Registered Nurse.

ASSIGNMENT 2 TEMPLATE CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS: Part A Power point slide: (1200 words equivalent) Include the following information in the specified areas and reference correctly: Title and your name and student ID Introduction, background, research question. List four (4) key messagesfrom your research project. Identify potential implicationsfor practice in relation to yourfindings and research question and for registered nurse s. Indicate whether or not you would change your practice as a consequence ofthe findings. Recommendations for Practice Use images if relevant. Part B (500 words approx) In relation to what you hav e learned in the course to date, describe how this will influence your practice as a newly qualified Registered Nurse.

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Other Subject: Recommendations for nursing
Reference No:- TGS01438231

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