
Recommendations and disposition should reflect critical


You will be completing an assessment based on Bo's story.


You are encouraged to use all of the information that Bo shares in the supplemental information when completing your assessment. Complete the Assessment form in as much detail as possible using the information presented about Bo and the instructions below. The links for the video and transcript are located below.

The assessment is the stepping stone to helping clients clarify their goals and change objectives, so be sure to apply all three levels of the Ecological Model from Chapter 3. The assessment should accurately reflect the interrelationship between Bo and his environment and his presenting situation.

The assessment should also reflect the NOHS Code of Ethics and strengths-based assessment and service recommendation. Culture should be respectfully factored into the assessment as well.

Client safety and risk assessment should be accurate, clearly documented, and reflect critical-thinking skills. Safety plans should be included if appropriate. Substance history should be thoroughly and accurately completed.

The diagnostic impression and clinical summary should reflect critical thinking. They should also be clear, least restrictive, strengths-based, and written in understandable (jargon-free) language.

Recommendations and disposition should reflect critical thinking. They should also reflect an ecological framework and address the presenting situation and recommendations from a person-in-environment perspective.

All fields in the assessment form should be properly completed and open-text narrative sections should be clearly documented with relevant details or explanations as needed.

Sign and date the form appropriately by typing your name, Bo's name (his first name is fine) and Tammy's name, since Bo is a minor, and the date completed at the end of the assessment.

If you encounter questions or areas in the form that do not apply to Bo, you may enter "none" or "client chooses not to answer." State licensing standards do not usually allow the use of "n/a" in these forms. Some of the check-box areas in the form only need to be completed if they apply to your client; you do not have to type in "none" on those unless it asks for this. You do have to type something in all the open narrative places in the form or type "none."

Submitting Your Assignment

Save your Assignment in a location and with a name that you will remember. When you are ready to submit it, select the Dropbox and complete the steps below:

1. Select "Submit an Assignment."
2. In the "Submit to Basket" menu, select Unit 6: Assignment.
3. In the "Comments" field, include at least the title of your Assignment.
4. Select the "Add Attachments" button.
5. Follow the steps listed to attach your Word document.
6. To view your graded work, come back to the Dropbox or go to the Gradebook after your instructor has evaluated it.
7. Make sure that you save a copy of your submitted Assignment.

Good luck and enjoy this opportunity to practice completing a client assessment form!

People Like Us - The CNAM Channel. (2015, March 30). Tammy's Story - People Like Us episode #4 [Video file]. Retrieved fromhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37ZpauS5Doo

• Tammy's Story - People Like Us video
• Tammy's Story - People Like Us transcript
• NOHS Code of Ethics

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Microeconomics: Recommendations and disposition should reflect critical
Reference No:- TGS01624379

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