Recommendation to release a prisoner to parole

Problem: Read the following excerpt from Seah et al. (2022, p. 273): "The WA the Sentencing Act 1995 determines that, even if the Prisoners Review Board makes a recommendation to release a prisoner to parole, the final decision is made by the Governor in Consultation with the Executive Council, on the recommendations of the Minister (Seah et al. 2022). This is not the case in most other Australian jurisdictions where the relevant parole authority is the final arbiter of the decision making process of whether a prisoner can be released to serve the rest of their sentence in the community." Discuss whether this process is ethical using academic literature and utilitarianism framework to justify your response. • Include in-text references using APA 7 referencing style • Include an end-text reference list using APA 7 referencing style • Use a minimum of 20 academic references.

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Reference No:- TGS03386142

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