
Recommend smoking cessation programs


Based on the American Osteopathic Associate Code of Ethics evaluate the following case study, as appropriate. Dr. Baird has been seeing his patient, Amy Anderson, for ten years. Amy is a 52 year old white female with a history of smoking for over 30 years. Amy has COPD. Upon each visit, Dr. Baird has counseled Amy to quit smoking. He has recommended smoking cessation programs and offered Amy nicotine patches. Amy refuses to stop smoking even though it is adversely affecting her health. Upon Amy's last visit to Dr. Baird, Dr. Baird told Amy because she refused to quit smoking her would no longer see her as a patient. He stated her was giving her three months to find another doctor. Is this within Dr. Baird's right as a physician? Justify your answer.


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Reference No:- TGS03423065

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