
recent problems in finishing implementationthis

Recent problems in finishing implementation:

This mobile application is built with Sencha Touch framework. Source code is attached in this zip package.

  1. The daily rest calculation system:

The html page for the input form (input time.html) is linked to input time.js

In input time.js, some functions need to be implemented:

i) checkbox for multi-manning (current shift)

ii) checkbox for multi-manning (next shift)

iii) Take the input values and

iv) calculate, alert the result after calculation (click on the calculation button or something similar), see the timecalculation.js

The code in timecalculation.js should be changed into sencha touch executable code, and linked to the input form.

1. Break Timer

The button on show.js needs to be put on the toolbar-buttons-1.js, with the name "Break timer".

The DateTimePicker.js is modified based on the ext.dateTimePicker class. The columns have been specified. But there are some functions missing:

i)   How to mark the values chosen on the picker?

ii)  How to sum up the marked values from the "break time" column and "extra time" column?

iii) How to set up timer by clicking on a button (appears at the right top corner of the picker)

2. User Interface

i)   How to adjust the spaces between the buttons (not toolbar ones) of toolbar-buttons-1.js?              

ii)   Do I need to adjust the screen size in the code for execution on mobile phone devices?

iii)  The startup and icon image are not shown when testing the app in a browser (safari or opera). How to modify the code in toolbar-buttons-1.js to make these images shown while testing?

Other questions:

  1. Is it necessary to modify parts of the codes for android platform phones, and how to do it?
  2. How to test the app on devices without production to app market, and how to wrap it up for different phones?

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Application Programming: recent problems in finishing implementationthis
Reference No:- TGS0207541

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