
recent article relating to immigration policywhat

Recent article relating to immigration policy

What is the historical framework of this issue?

Immigration, both legal and illegal, has been a fact of life in America for most of her history. Since this story is about New Mexico illegal immigration, it is helpful to consider the role of Hispanic illegal immigration. In 1882 the first big wave of illegal immigration from Mexico occurred. The United States was in the process of building thousands of miles of railroad lines across the nation and needed affordable labor. A railroad connecting Mexico and America was planned and thousands of Mexican workers came across the border illegally to begin working on it. In 1910 the Mexican Revolution caused thousands of more immigrants to cross the border illegally. From 1929 to the beginning of World War II in the early 40's, illegal immigration decreased as the United States began forcibly extraditing illegal immigrants and the Great Depression caused a massive shortage of jobs. However, at the beginning of World War II illegal immigration boomed due to a shortage of manpower as American men went off to war. Attempts were made in the 60's, 70's and 80's to send back illegal immigrants but the tide was overwhelming. Since World War II, illegal immigration has been a constant domestic and international policy headache as civil rights groups fight against conservative groups over this issue. (Head, n.d.)

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